Comparing Benchmarking Measures for Financial Data
Performed EDA on 6000+ records to establish relationships between different key metrics such as and leveraged Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) algorithm to benchmark efficiency based on costs and sales, enabling stakeholders to identify underperforming restaurants

Analyzing genetic variants
Studying association between variant pathogenicity and protein properties using regression techniques under Dr.Xiao

Impact of Advertising Budget on Product Sales
Used regression modelling to predict the impact of advertising budgets and user engagement with social media platforms on product sales

BlueShield Consulting
Conducted market analysis and competitive overview to help BlueShield - a Gainesville based Therapeutics startup - to understand the market for its novel immunotherapy based treatment for Depression

WeCareJax Connect Technology Consulting
Led the automation for the process of collecting feedback data from surveys sent to patients post-visit using Jotform

Happy Sneeze Market Research Externship
Performing market analysis and competitor overview as well as identifying potential partners for outreach

Software Engineering
Plan It Right A web application that generates trip itineraries of up to 5 days. Tech stack: Node.js, Express, jQuery

Bollywood Hangman The Bollywood version of the awesome Hollywood Hangman. Tech Stack: React, Python

Job Matcher A web application that matches your professional profile to online job listings and recommends the top matching jobs. Tech Stack: React and Flask

Test Protect A web application that monitors websites like Chegg real-time for plagiarism. Tech Stack: Node.js, Express and React